My Mission
To help growing believers uncover the treasures of their victorious identity in Christ through shared breakthrough.
To invite people into a character-driven experience of biblical stories for a deeper encounter with the unchanging God of Scripture.
My Beliefs
I am a Bible-believing evangelical Christian. I believe that astounding things happen when people boldly choose to take God at His Word.
I believe that God created the world exactly the way He says He did in Genesis. I believe that God and science are not opposed to one another but that every field of study is enhanced and illuminated by God's Light if we are brave and humble enough to look. I believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He came into the world, lived a real life and died a real death only to rise again three days later, just as He promised--securing a redemption God had been planning since before humanity fell into sin.
I believe that all a person must do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess with their mouths that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). But that is only the beginning of what is meant to be a lifelong journey with Him. Eternity begins now! I believe that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship based entirely on its namesake, Christ. I believe that the Holy Spirit desires to dwell in anyone who asks. The Word of the Father is the Absolute Truth that guides my life, and He is the source of life to anyone who believes (John 7:38).