Over the past few months, I admitted to God that I felt a bit aimless, like an archer shooting blindly into a cloud, unlikely to hit any particular target. But then, He reminded me of a line from one of my books, in which I declare Him to be the Expert Bowman—the One who will shoot us into our destiny like an arrow perfectly aimed” (Of Sheaves and Stars, page X). This doesn’t mean the path will always be seamless and linear. But it means that the burden of our purpose and calling rests with God, and He is faithful to direct and empower us to endure encouraged (Romans 15:5; Hebrews 10:36).
On that note, I have some New Year tips for you (and myself) based on some questions I asked God over the 2024 holidays and the answers He provided, which are applicable for any believer. As you prepare to move forward, read through these with an open heart, and allow God to fill in the details because He is your fulness of joy, your desire fulfilled, your Tree of Life.
In order to make progress this year, you will need to:
Let Go.
Let go of past hurts, offenses, lack, unfairness. Let go of the hypnotic pull of the rearview mirror (it’s made for glancing, not staring). Be willing to let go of old, repeated patterns in order to experience what God is doing now. And let go of whatever doors God has clearly closed. You will know that you’ve let go when these things are no longer stopping your progress forward, when you’re no longer asking their permission to move on or referencing them to understand yourself. Be honest with God about areas that still need healing, but don’t let emotions hinder your progress.
Get bolder in your prayers. Ask for more of what God’s Word says, more of what He’s placed on your heart. You will know His Will from being in His Word and Presence regularly.
Take ownership of what’s yours.
How? Pray, declare God’s words, take the steps He directs without overthinking or complaining. Place your foot wherever God has said you belong. Pursue that thing you can’t ignore that keeps coming up in prayer. You're spying out your promised land, which means there will be opposition. But God’s promise gives you authority and power to obtain what’s yours for His glory.
Allow God to birth in you the person you always wanted to be.
This doesn’t always mean doing what you thought you’d be doing. God is developing something much more significant in you, and it’s essential to submit to His vision. Would you believe that He’s designed you to be a danger to the enemy at large in the world today? He wants to give you leadership in the areas in which you once experienced weakness, to help others get rest/grace from where you have been. Isn’t that amazing?
See things through!
Fight discouragement and depression; don’t take them on as an identity that informs who you are and what you can and can’t do. Be strong and courageous, facing your fears by remembering who you are in Christ. Be careful to obey God’s Word; stay focused on it. And don’t stop! If you keep going, eventually you’ll arrive! Be like Paul who wanted to finish the race as a winner!
Remember your place in the race.
If you are in Christ, you are God’s Child, a proclaimer of the Gospel, a servant of Christ, and an integral part of His Body, the Church. You’re a conqueror in training. You’re privileged even in your pain because He’s with you.
Ask God for other biblical declarations of Truth that you can speak over yourself every day. This is the fear of the Lord and the beginning of wisdom—allowing what God says to trump what you are facing or feeling until His Presence fills your gaze and lifts your sails.
He's not done, so neither are you! Stick with it! The reward is worth it.